wedge plates

Solaris Optics produces custom optical wedge plates in its premises in Poland.

Wedge plates, also called optical wedges or wedge prisms, are optical windows manufactured with an intended and controlled lack of parallelism between the surfaces (a wedge). Typically the wedge between the surfaces is of arc seconds or minutes.

Optical wedges operate as prisms with very small refracting angle γ (wedge angle), which gives deflection of optical beam expressed by formula:

δ = (n − 1) γ

δ — angle of deflection,
γ — wedge angle,
n — refraction index of wedge material.

Applications of optical wedges include for instance steering of a laser beam, range finding systems, reflection control, interferometry, scanners, etc.

We manufacture wedge prisms with custom parameters, including dimensions, shape, wedge angle, wedge material, thin film coatings, etc.

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of questions regarding optical wedges!

Learn also about our thin film coatings capabilities.
