27 October 2020
Dear Customers,
Please read this letter and find below information regarding special measures implemented by Solaris Optics S.A. concerning of a second wave of COVID-19 attack, to ensure yourself that, despite the worldwide pandemic, Solaris runs production and accepts orders for execution.
We do not stop efforts to protect the health and safety of our employees. Company has implemented appropriate procedures securing the continuity of production:
– Hygienic procedure related to securing employees and workplaces against Covid – 19.
– Procedure for Solaris employees for dealing with infection with Covid-19 or contact with an infected person.
Executive Management highly appreciates the mobilization and commitment of our crew, which is responsible and well prepared to take care of the interests of our clients in the best possible way by:
– continuous improvement of production quality,
– paying high attention to timely deliveries,
– taking care of flexibility and continuity of the supply chain.
In the crisis time all these activities are giving confidence in the company’s ability to meet current challenges.
Michal Muniak
CEO, Chairman of the Board